Monday, December 8, 2008

I waas ruuunnnniiiinnnnngggg....

On the Sunday following Thanksgiving I participated in what is becoming a bit of a tradition for me. I ran in the Seattle 1/2 Marathon with several thousand fellow Seattleite runners.

Perhaps running a 1/2 marathon a few days after Turkey Day is a great way to justify having eaten so much. Perhaps it is an opportunity to fulfill my resolution of running at least one 1/2 Marathon each year.(This was my second 1/2 this year, perhaps I'll get extra credit). Perhaps it is just because I love being part of something so big and so positive.

It was a great race although I desperately missed my running buddy Shannon.

I believe this photo sums up the magic of running in the Seattle 1/2. Hooray for all of us!!

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