This was a week before Christmas. The best part of this photo is that I took it because I was impressed by the amount of snow and how icey it was... Little did I know, it was about to get a lot worse (or better as far as I am concerned )! This has been an exciting winter for Seattle. Hooray for urban snow!
Jason and at our local dog-run-around-like-crazy zone...
Here's the fam...
When the snow started to disappear the super cold temps set in, turning all the melted snow into pure ice. Teresa and I nearly died trying to get this photo on Pine street just up from Pike Place Market. We had an awesome day of Christmas shopping, drinks and Irish stew at Kells (a fantastic Irish Pub on Post Alley) but that was cut short because another blizzard just started brewing. I wanted to get outta dodge since I was relying on public transportation (which as anyone who lives in Seattle knows, completely crashes in 1/8 of an inch of snow).
On Christmas Eve Jason, Prusik and Iventured over to my parent's place to begin the holiday festivities. I had to include this photo because I was impressed by how deep the snow in the front yard was (as evidence from Rosies wheels being 1/2 buried).
The comfort of Mom and Dad's house on Christmas morning.
Ignore the tree... I was too excited about all the snow falling out the window! A White Christmas in Seattle! Yay!
Me and the Mo.
It is virtually impossible to get this dog to stop moving...
Dad is Russian for the day. Here is he braving the elements to make sure the birds get their Christmas Day feast.
Me and Grandma.
I love that this looks like a sappy Christmas Card. Its not. That's a REAL dog and a REAL tree.
Lyndsy and Jesse... Lyndsy was smiling until I got the camera out.
I figure that giving Prusik food and shelter gives me the right to dress him up from time to time.
I may have to make my hand-modeling a full time gig if I don't find employment in Boulder.
After breakfast and presents at Mom and Dads, it was time to venture over to the insane asylum where we found the patients wearing nice new sweaters! Okay really, that's just Brian and Dean keeping things exciting! Thank god that was a joke. I was worried there for a bit.
I met Emma when she was 5. I can't believe it... now almost 16 she is now a Shannon-Mini-Me.
We ended the night at the Mayo's mountain retreat where we had an awesome dinner. We celebrated it in true English style with Christmas Crackers and all... Crowns all around!
Here's the Mayos (with special guest Indy)! You may remember them from such posts as Tuna turns 30! and Mayo's Big Day!. Thanks for the amazing night you two!
A rousing game of XBOX karaoke scared Glen out of the house. Sorry Glen, but this was way too much fun!
Thanks to all the Best's, Lucas', Rogers', Vergins, Killgore's, Sargent's, Sano's, Mayo's, Mangiantini's, and Beaumonts for an amazing Christmas! We had a blast!
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