Thursday, November 27, 2008

Reasons to miss Seattle

When a move is imminent you begin to look around at all the things that you will give up, and you start to realize what you'll be missing. I guess I never really thought that I would care so much, since I assumed I would be so focused on the new adventure of a new place. But in taking stock, here are just a few of the things around Northwest that I am truly going to miss:

Whidbey Island

Ferry Boats

Yes, I will also miss crab races. I'll just miss crabs, period.

The Puget Sound

The Sunset over West Seattle and Harbor Island from my desk.

The amazing flowers at Pike Place Market.

Pike Place.

Backpacking with the Koots

Among many, I am certainly going to miss this group of hooligans.

Mount Rainier.

Fly fishing at Rocky Ford Creek

Beach combing and writing in the sand with large sticks

The Pacific Ocean - northwest style

Working at VertFest Randonee Races

The OR Marketing Girls.

Crystal Mountain Ski Area.

Whistler Brand Trip.

Mt. Baker.

Working at a place where fun is the top priority... and where there is a steady supply of Jack Daniels.

Long walks on fall mornings in the Lake Washington Aboretum

These were just a sampling. I am easily aware of how much I am going to miss my amazing family, both immediate and my add-on-through-marriage family. I am going to miss all of my amazing friends who have been around forever. I am going to miss the grey drizzly days between October and June. I am going to miss early season Mt. Baker, mid season Crystal and late season Snoqualmie. I am going to miss the Alpine Lakes Wilderness and all of our unfinished stretches of the Pacific Crest Trail. I am going to miss the quaint Bavarian village of Leavenworth. I am going to miss mom's lasagna on my birthday. I will miss the Fremont Solstice parade and farmers market. I will miss the cawing seaguls on the waterfront. I will even miss the fish and chips. I will miss all the amazing people/family at Outdoor Research. I will miss running in the Seattle 1/2 marathon with Shannon. I will miss the traffic.... wait, no, thats not right. I can't wait to get away from the traffic!! In short, I am pretty much going to miss everything that I take for granted now, and if per chance you are one of the four people who read this blog, I am certainly going to miss you too.

All my love to the PNW.


JustBreathe said...

Your blog has nailed the very things about the PNW that I miss and only dreamed of doing once I graduated collegex (out of state). It will always be home and I will always be a Seattlite. Thank you for your documented love of why Seattle is so great. I dream of returning.

Nicole said...

I found your post after typing "I miss Seattle" into Bing... I moved away four months ago for my fiancee and now I miss it like crazy. Even the things that give Seattle a bad wrap (the drizzle, for example) are things I find myself missing. Seattle is the most amazing city, someday I really hope to move back.

Matthew said...

I left Seattle in January of 2010 and never thought I would miss it. Now it's July of 2011, and yes, I really am starting to miss Seattle. I miss the greenery, the Pacific Ocean, Pike Place Market, Ezell's Fried Chicken, all of the independent movie theatres that I can't get here in Charlotte. I miss the amazing scenery and hiking opportunities, the music scene, and the summer weather.